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FACT number 82

It is possible to survive on nothing more than cheese ravioli and flavored envelope glue.

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FACT number 81

Experts have yet to determine the correct spelling of the word "Gonorrhea."

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FACT number 80

20% of prize money won on the television show, Jeopardy!, is fake.

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FACT number 79

700 glass eyes are lost in public pools annually.

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FACT number 78

Before it was adopted for the purpose of digging holes, the shovel was a popular mode of transportation.

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FACT number 77

Sharks can have up to 14 biological parents.

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FACT number 76

It is common knowledge that 16 sparrows can fit in a large McDonalds cup.  However, it has recently been discovered that that figure doubles when the sparrows are blended prior to their insertion.

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FACT number 75

There are 14 known types of salamanders in the world that can learn to read English.

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