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New facts will be posted every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday

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FACT number 109

Red and white colored sponges are found to be the most effective, according to a study performed by the EPA in 1709.

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FACT number 108

Halloween isn't legally a day.

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FACT number 107

The idea of the disposable plate ware was first conceived when Queen Marie Antoinette ate off the backs of those about to be executed in order to save water during the Great European Drought of 1787, because the energy efficient button on the dishwasher of Versailles wasn't implemented until 1805.

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FACT number 106

The word "trite" is the wildcard of the English language.  Submitted anonymously by Daniel T. Swift from New York, NY 10017.

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FACT number 105

Yoghurt is quite different from yogurt, the difference being yoghurt is twice fermented as opposed to the yogurt making process' single fermentation

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FACT number 104

The average person eats 4.6 plastic garbage bags by the time he is 55.  Leading environmental scientists hope to lower that figure to 3.2 by 2022.

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FACT number 103

The Richter scale was originally invented to measure cat meows.

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FACT number 102

In Russia, Baskin Robins has only 13 flavors.

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FACT number 101

79% of orthodontists lie to their patients.

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FACT number 100

Websites with 100 or more facts are considered legal entities.

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FACT number 99

Julius Caesar's middle name was Terrence, and was frequently beaten up in the playground because of it.

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FACT number 98

14 percent of children are lost at Best Buy.

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FACT number 97

4 out of 5 times, a secretary will have the name Janice.

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FACT number 96

The mountain goat is not a mammal, but is rather a reptile/marsupial combo.

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FACT number 95

The Wikipedia Box Set is an all-time New York Times Bestseller.

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FACT number 94

Bill Gates was born in Zimbabwe.

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FACT number 93

In China, during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1029 BC), the first day of the week was Tuesday.

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FACT number 92

It is widely-known that the US Constitution was written on hemp paper, but few people are aware that the the first draft was written on several cocktail napkins paper clipped together.

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FACT number 91

From 1846-1860, owning a toilet that could flush faster than 10 mph
was illegal in the state of Texas.

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FACT number 90

There are really only six different colors of crayon in the Crayola 64 Pack.

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FACT number 89

Vegan dogs aren't allowed to chew on bones.

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FACT number 88

In parts of Antarctica, ordering curtains in bulk is a felony.

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FACT number 87

The internet was invented six times.

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FACT number 86

In Bangkok, a cat with good table manners can be sold for a higher price than three ounces of silver.

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FACT number 85

Tilblanophobia is the fear of white tiles being installed in one´s kitchen while on vacation.

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FACT number 84

Hair cannot be black, it can only be very dark purple.

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FACT number 83

According to the World Federation of Enigmatology, a jigsaw puzzle cannot have a piece-count that is a multiple of four.

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FACT number 82

It is possible to survive on nothing more than cheese ravioli and flavored envelope glue.

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FACT number 81

Experts have yet to determine the correct spelling of the word "Gonorrhea."

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FACT number 80

20% of prize money won on the television show, Jeopardy!, is fake.

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FACT number 79

700 glass eyes are lost in public pools annually.

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FACT number 78

Before it was adopted for the purpose of digging holes, the shovel was a popular mode of transportation.

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FACT number 77

Sharks can have up to 14 biological parents.

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FACT number 76

It is common knowledge that 16 sparrows can fit in a large McDonalds cup.  However, it has recently been discovered that that figure doubles when the sparrows are blended prior to their insertion.

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FACT number 75

There are 14 known types of salamanders in the world that can learn to read English.

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FACT number 74

An estimated 5,000 prostitutes in the United States offer some form of a customer loyalty program.

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FACT number 73

People who smoke one or more packs of cigarettes a day are three times more likely to see actor Ben Stiller on the street.

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FACT number 72

The 1997 film Titanic was edited in iMovie.

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FACT number 71

One-sided counterfeit money is accepted on produce items from Wal-Mart grocery stores.

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FACT number 70

The tiger was created when biologist Howard A. Mink found a way to cross an orange tabby cat with a can of black paint.

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FACT number 69

Overshadowed by his other accomplishments, Noam Chomsky's founding of sciuridaesia, the study of squirrels residing in mountainous terrain, is overlooked by the majority of academia.

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FACT number 68

Despite the fact that the idiom 'needle in a haystack' is used figuratively, the probability of finding a needle in a haystack is calculable.  It happens to be one in 17.

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FACT number 67

An estimated 17% of all statuses on facebook are stolen, without credit, from (please click).

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FACT number 66

The pig that inspired the Warner brothers' "porky" character did in fact, have a stutter.

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FACT number 65

The term "computer mouse" was coined to pay homage to the first computer which was powered by mouse wheel.

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FACT number 64

Contrary to popular belief, one year is in fact only four dog years

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FACT number 63

Amphegrephobia is the fear of amphibious tiger attacks.

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FACT number 62

Apollo Ohno's space program in the late 60's and early 70's only received funding because president Ford was a huge fan of U.S. speed skating.

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FACT number 61

Frogs don't have digestive systems.

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Fact number 60

The original version of the Madonna song "4 Minutes" was 7 minutes and 35 seconds, and about political awareness in Africa.

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FACT number 59

If you yell loud enough, the people in the television can hear you.

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FACT number 58

Actor Michael Caine holds the record for most time spent continuously inebriated.

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FACT number 57

Magic Johnson defeated AIDS with a month-long peyote "vision quest" through the Arctic Circle.

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FACT number 56

Nearly all Wendy's employees double as horoscope readers, and won't hesitate to interrupt a customer's conversation to let him know.

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FACT number 55

Pologophobia is the fear of losing one's meds behind the refrigerator.

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FACT number 54

The most difficult word to remember in the English language is "sponge cake."

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FACT number 53

Post-it notes don't stick to green surfaces.

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FACT number 52

Betty White invented the microwave oven, and only began acting to pay for the patent.

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FACT number 51

There's no national language of Spain.

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FACT number 50

The elevator was first invented when the Egyptian space program went horribly wrong.

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FACT number 49

The Moon is only 8% cheese.

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FACT number 48

It is illegal to carry more than four sheets of sandpaper in your left pocket in the state of Vermont.

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FACT number 47

David Hasselhoff can't swim.

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FACT number 46

It is estimated that over 80% of magic tricks are fake.

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FACT number 45

46% of Albanians have never seen the color orange.

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FACT number 44

Philosopher Immanuel Kant's last words were: "Die wilden kojoten lief mit meiner hose," which roughly translates to "what do you mean I 'Kant' survive this operation?  Who the hell hired this clown?"

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FACT number 43

Much like rapper Tupac Shakur, Ludwin van Beethoven released four posthumous records.

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FACT number 42

More people are killed in microwave-related accidents than stabbings each year in Bangladesh.

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FACT number 41

The Guns N' Roses song, "My Michelle" was written about a woman named Laurel.

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FACT number 40

Contrary to popular belief, the Seven Years War lasted 23 years, and was fought between Eskimos and Russians.

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FACT number 39

Germany's national song is BTO's "Takin' Care of Business."

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FACT number 38

Good intentions are legal tender in Canada.

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FACT number 37

The letter "V" was introduced into the English alphabet as a consequence of the War of 1812.

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FACT number 36

Eight of the signatures on the Declaration of Independence were photoshopped in later.

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FACT number 35

85% of Law and Order episodes open with a woman jogging in Central Park.

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FACT number 34

One in four games of Risk end before the first turn is taken.

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FACT number 33

There are no traffic signs in Slovenia.

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FACT number 32

Somporcophobia is the fear of eating pork in one's dreams.

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FACT number 31

A typical sea sponge can hold its breath for almost six minutes.

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FACT number 30

The most popular name for a parakeet is Linus.

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FACT number 29

The average person uses enough water in one shower to drown a small marching band.

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FACT number 28

Eight out of ten satanists don't eat fish.

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FACT number 27

Actor Alec Baldwin's real name is Sally O'Brien, but changed it so as not to be confused with comedian and TV personality, Conan O'Brien.

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FACT number 26

Every two hours, a baby is born without a sense of humor.

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FACT number 25

One in five rattlesnakes is bulimic.

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FACT number 24

Before the second world war, Adolf Hitler had handlebars.

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FACT number 23

The Pepperidge Farm snack, Goldfish is indeed made from real goldfish.

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FACT number 22

The human brain can hold enough information to convict six politicians.

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FACT number 21

The hamster wheel was invented by accident.

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FACT number 20

Every time you sneeze, a starving African child is given a laptop.

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FACT number 19

One in five pharmacists prefers Mustard over Ketchup on his hotdog.

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FACT number 18

24% of pickles are really just sour cucumbers.

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FACT number 17

Under the best conditions, it takes milk an average of 49 hours to turn.

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FACT number 16

78% of rulers are inaccurate by over six centimeters.

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FACT number 15

Despite how it was advertised, the 2000 film, Remember the Titans, was not based on actual events.

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FACT number 14

For every nine babies born in Argentina a cat is diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.

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FACT number 13

The average flag weighs more than an eight-course meal on Neptune.

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FACT number 12

On average, three and a half people are strangled to death by their own scarves every year.

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FACT number 11

Every 36 seconds, a dog is adopted, and is then named LaVaughn.

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FACT number 10

In the past ten years, there have been 16 reported cases of people checking into rehab after becoming "hooked on phonics."

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FACT number 9

The word basket was originally intended to contain a silent "b."

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FACT number 8

The first tomato sauce ever made didn't contain any tomatoes.

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FACT number 7

The man who invented the paper clip also owns the world's largest decorative light switch cover collection.

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FACT number 6

There are only seven living people who can name every song written by Gary Glitter.  Two of whom are related to Glitter, and three of whom have slept with Richard Simmons.

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FACT number 5

Only 14 of the 106 breeds of known cats have teeth. These 14 breeds make up over 79.29% of the feline population of the world.

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FACT number 4

There are over four million types of household trash cans.  That's probably over two million more than you thought.

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FACT number 3

The average person carries six and a half tons of cheese over bridges in his lifetime.

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FACT number 2

The US treasury didn't mint quarters until 1978.

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FACT number 1

It is estimated that over 50% of cacti are known to have thrived for over six billion years.

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